Unlocking SEO Success: Exploring the Web Design and Ranking Connection

Relation Between Web Design & Ranking of software

Do you want your business to rank on top or first page of a search result?

The answer to that is obviously yes as nowadays who doesn’t want undivided audience on their website. The only organic way to do so is implementing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and understanding the relationship between web designing and SEO. By relationship, we mean following the best SEO practices which designing and developing a website.

The best SEO designing practices include creating a mobile-friendly website, creating descriptive URLs, and fast load time of website. Hence, below we have shared 7 factors that will optimise your website through web design and SEO:-

7 factors that will optimise your website

The factors are divided into 3 major categories - Design, image and site architecture.


1) Code

Most of the designers stick to good old-fashioned HTML and CSS codes for coding the major designing elements as some new sites might attract but they are too difficult to optimise which means deteriorating the ranking for no good reason. Hence, using HTML and CSS codes is recommended if you want to optimise your website without much hassle.

2) Readability

This factor is ignored by some designers, however, it is very important for your website to have the right font style and size for the users to read it with struggling. With font, spacing is also equally crucial with informational and optimized content in order to have a good ranking.

3) Mobile Friendly

In this era, an increasing number of people browse website on their smartphones and other mobile devices, hence, to capture this audience your website should have a good mobile user experience. This will not only increase traffic but also assist in ranking on search engines.


One of the best ways to do this is by creating a responsive design that will make you website accessible on all the websites and eliminate duplicate content.


4) File size and names

The images you upload on your website should have a descriptive name and high quality yet small size to avoid loading time. The names will help the search engines to "see" the images and rank them whereas their small size will decrease the load time and optimise the ranking on search engines.

5) Use Alt Tags

Besides file name, the images should also have optimised alt tags for the same reason. These factors altogether help the search engines to "see", depict and understand the image.

Site Architecture

6) Navigation

This factor is one of the most crucial ones when it comes to SEO and web designing as it largely impacts user experience, hence, it is important to keep it simple and effective. This will surely increase your conversion rate as the user will get what he/she wants and the bounce rate will also decrease that will lead to good ranking.

7) URL structure

It is pivotal for every page to have a descriptive URL, that is, a URL that describes the content of the page with words that are divided by hyphens, including or excluding keywords. This will help the users to understand you page and will assist in good ranking.

We know that understanding this relationship between SEO and web designing is quite complex and is mastered over time, although, we do hope that this blog had helped you in some way in optimising your web design for website.